tiistai 8. syyskuuta 2015

Tracon 2015

I'm still sick, so I'm gonna be brief.

Last weekend (5-6.9) was again time for Tracon, Finland's foremost anime-manga-video game-cosplay convention. To me, Tracon is the gathering place for the best cosplay. I especially love the fact that costumes from games, movies and tv-shows are the majority these days. And as always, I was not a stranger to cosplay. Once again Marvel Cosplay Finland was assembled and made their presence known in Tampere.

This year I was the Mandarin from Iron Man 3. Now, I must say: I hate that movie. I hate what they did to one of my favorite old school comic book villains. And no marvel one-shot can save that. That given, the Mandarin looks so cool. Just look at the posters and trailers- he is veritable badass out of hell. So what the hell.

I do not have any making of- pics since my phone decided that living was too much of a hassle. Instead, here's the final product:

(C)Helene Lindfors
(C)Helene Lindfors
(C)Helene Lindfors

Here's also a picture with my friend Hilkka and her amazing Iron Man cosplay. That thing was so awesome, and half the reason why I decided to be the Mandarin. Also pictures from our photoshoot with other Marvel characters:

(C)Arttu Timonen
(C)Arttu Timonen

(C)Arttu Timonen

So that's that. More Tracon feelings are coming to the main blog's site later. Next con is Hoth Con in november, so see you then again!

Atte T